Exclusively Online | Fall 2022 Issue

“A Lighter Look” — Dead or Alive!

Rick Meyer’s regularly appearing column takes a lighter look at politics and public affairs around the world. This month: "Dead or alive!"

By Richard E. Meyer

My aunt died two years before the last election, but she voted. She didn’t even stop by the house to say hello.

She voted for Joe Biden. The Donald says so.

It dismayed me. I don’t care if she voted, or for whom. But she returned from the grave, and I didn’t even get a hug.

Dead or alive.

I guess she got word to my uncle. He had been dead for 10 years, but he voted too. He did it twice. I have a half bottle of Jack Daniel’s on a shelf. It’s my uncle’s favorite whiskey. But on election day, he didn’t stop by.

Dead or alive.

All three of those votes were for Biden. The Donald says so. And he is still angry.

He says thousands of dead people voted for Biden. “I think the number is close to 5,000” in Georgia alone.

In Nevada, Trump’s lawyers say, dead voters numbered more than 1,500 – and 42,284 people voted twice.

Heaven knows how many dead people voted for Biden here in California, where he won by more than 5 million votes.

Hell, too, likely knows. Some of those 5 million probably came from there.

Maybe that’s why my uncle didn’t take the opportunity to visit. He was a bit of a bounder. Perhaps he was afraid that I’d ask where he has been.

No doubt the Devil is pleased that he voted.

Dead or alive.

Slowly, I’m getting over my dismay at my aunt and uncle. I know how difficult it would have been for them to explain why they were here, and why they couldn’t stay.

The Donald should get over his anger.

Both of us will be in their shoes someday, most likely my uncle’s.

I wouldn’t want anybody holding a vote against me. Voting is an honorable thing.

Dead or alive.

Richard E. Meyer

Richard E. Meyer

Meyer is the senior editor of Blueprint. He has been a White House correspondent and national news features writer for the Associated Press and a roving national correspondent and editor of long-form narratives at the Los Angeles Times.

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